
“Had treatment with Christine and her AMAZING, magical, beautiful healing hands. Wouldn’t dream of going elsewhere. Truly an amazing healer.

— Leanne L July 2020


“I had a treatment today and i feel really good, I would recommend it.”

— Liz P November 2020


“Thank you for an amazing massage and crystal healing session, it was amazing and just what I needed.”

— Hayley B November 2020


“Fab treatment today, for the first time in ages my back doesn’t hurt! Thank you so much, looking forward to the next one.”

— Christina W April 2021


I have had treatments with Christine before, chakra massage, reiki and energy healing, I’ve been suffering with stomach discomfort and bloating for almost 2 weeks. I did not know what had caused this but it came on so suddenly and it has been so chronic, where I’ve been unable to eat or drink properly due to my stomach swelling to the point where it felt like it would pop. I looked pregnant overnight but I knew that I was not. I’d been to the doctors and am awaiting tests for various things. In the meantime, Christine had posted about 2 appointments that she had free this week. I decided that it wouldn’t hurt to have some energy cleansing, at this point to see if it could relieve what I was going through.

During the cleansing, Christine gathered all of the lower frequency energies that I had absorbed from others or was not releasing from myself into my solar plexus. I felt very strong pulls and a gathering in my stomach, I could actually feel my stomach moving.

I cannot put into words enough how much better I feel, so I have attached before and after photos so that you can see for yourself. The first picture was from a week ago, at not even the worst point. The second picture is from today. As you can see, it has completely gone and I am back to normal. I can eat and drink normally again, all discomfort has been removed. I’ve always been a believer that emotional and energetic changes can cause physical symptoms, but it didn’t cross my mind initially that the issues that I was having could have been caused by these things. It just goes to show, how important it is to keep your energy fields clear and flowing properly, and I highly recommend Christine and the services that she offers in helping you to achieve that.

Katie M

“My Reiki cleanse was the most wonderful time out and felt a real sense of peace and zen. The massage worked on my tight spots as Christine worked them out nicely, afterwards I felt a deep sense of relaxation and completely invigorated. Totally recommending this full service to friends and family.”

— Kay H

“Christine does beautiful healing massages and seems to know exactly what you need on the day! Thank you so much.”

— Hayley

“A really relaxing experience. I highly recommend anyone to try this healing. So talented, never disappoints.”

— Becky